Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr.Kamau Kambon is confused!!

He contradicts just about everything MLK fought for. Hate can never drive out hate. He believe that white people (anglo-saxons) wants to kill all black men. Given the fact that the US government has repeatedly been exposed for wrong doing to its minority population, its still gives him no right to say that white people wants to kill black people. He is just proof that America is far from where everyone thinks its at. Yes we elected a black president but we did not impeach HATE! Let me know what think of this douche!!!!


  1. I was almost with this cat up to the part he started saying white people wanna kill "us"

    evil comes in evey color..why cant folks just understand we are all one. Free yourself from the mental chains and all this madness.. im done

  2. a couple of the stuff he was saying was real, but then he started drifting to uncharted territory

  3. I agree; that n!99@ crazy, but he is only the product of his environment. What would expect to grow from a world of hate but hate? I was just watching Boyz in the Hood and the scene where laurence fishburn is in from of the billboard is too true. They put drugs into the our communities ( we don't own no planes or boats; most n!99@5 don't even have ... Read Morea passport), turn us against each other and profit off the whole facade. If the movie American gangsta is proof of anything it is that a black man will only go high enough that when he falls the attention is drawn away from the corruption of white men in general

  4. lol that was hella funny. Out of all the problems on the planet( famine, disease, globa warming, extinction, etc....) This n!99@ think that the real problem is white people. The main problem I see with his arguement is that this same logic has been posed by genocidal maniacs from King Herod to Hitler. He frames it in the exact same way as Hitler and his "final solution" (he even uses the term "final solution"). He's an idiot who took 16 months to build a log cabin just to get out of paying white people. It would have been quicker and easier to just pay some mexicans.
